Clearing browser cache
Clearing browser cache

clearing browser cache

  • How Do I Clear the Browser Cache in Mozilla Firefox?.
  • I’ve put together instructions for the four most popular browsers. It’s not always a caching problem, but because it happens often enough, “Clear your browser cache” is one of the first diagnostic steps you’ll hear from people like me.


    You’ll see partially loaded or badly formatted webpages, pages that should update but don’t, incomplete pictures, or even the wrong picture in the wrong place. This seems to happen to all browsers and at random times. The next time you display a webpage, everything must be downloaded anew.įor reasons I can’t explain other than by saying “Stuff happens”, the cache sometimes get confused. Clearing the cacheĬlearing the cache just means to empty it.


    But by and large, that’s all it is: a place to keep things locally so you don’t have to download the same things over and over again. For example, there are ways for me to update the logo on my site and have that override whatever is in your cache, so what you see is always up-to-date. When the cache gets full, the items in it that haven’t been used in awhile are discarded to make space for items you’re using now. The cache has a size limit, which you can usually configure. For each additional page you visit, as long as the same logo is displayed, it doesn’t need to be downloaded again - it’s already on your hard disk. The first time you visit any page on this site, the browser downloads the logo and several other items into the cache, and then displays it as part of the page you’re viewing. It’s nothing more than a place on your hard disk where the browser keeps things it downloaded once in case they’re needed again. So the thinking was, why download the same logo over and over for every page? Why not just download it once and keep a copy, so we can display it again without downloading it every time? That would speed things up. It’s at the top of every page on this site. For example, if you look at this page, you’ll see the Ask Leo! logo at the top. Even with today’s internet speeds, that holds true.īrowser designers noticed that most websites repeat many elements on multiple pages. It’s faster to get something from your hard disk than it is to get it from the internet. More accurately, your internet connection is slower than your computer. The cache exists because of a basic assumption made by browser designers: the internet is slow. Each browser allows you to clear the cache to start over, hopefully resolving those issues. Sometimes the browser loses track of what’s in the cache, resulting in display problems. The cache is where these downloaded elements are kept. Since many websites use the same elements (like logos) on multiple pages, browsers download them only on the first encounter, so they need not be downloaded every time. Web browsers assume the internet is slow.

    Clearing browser cache