Sothink swf decompiler stuck on loading
Sothink swf decompiler stuck on loading

sothink swf decompiler stuck on loading

Umozliwia on podglad wszystkich elementów zródlowych pliku swf, takich jak grafiki, teksty, media itp., oraz eksport zarówno wybranych elementów, jak i calosci - do pliku fla. Sothink SWF Decompiler to jeden z najbardziej popularnych dekompilatorów plików swf. Szczególna popularnosc zyskuja dekompilatory, czyli programy pozwalajace uzyskac kod zródlowy z ich skompilowanych wersji. "Ostatnimi czasy bardzo popularne staja sie narzedzia do inzynierii wstecznej (ang. You can know in details, how something has been created or you can reuse some pretty elements, such as pictures, shapes or sprites.

sothink swf decompiler stuck on loading

So, what can be examined and extracted? Really Everything! Video can become FLV, audio is converted to MP3 or WAVs, pictures - to any image formats, ActionScript - to text sources or binaries, and so on, every element, without exclusions.


The software easily handles not only SWFs, but Flash Projector files compiled to self-containing EXEs. Sothink SWF Decompiler can help you to examine any SWF file in details and convert it back to FLA («not compiled» Flash sources that you can further change). Examining what Flash movies and games are made of can be useful and even necessary (while remaining so attractive!) Sothink SWF Decompiler fulfils this passion completely. Examining what computer things are made of is even more attractive. Reviews from Sothink SWF Decompiler UsersĬheck out evaluation about our Sothink SWF Decompiler from users and magazines/website editors, and try it by yourself and let us to know your opinion.Įxamining what things are made of is human’s eternal passion.

Sothink swf decompiler stuck on loading